Humanities graduates equipped with future-oriented skills profile
Open access communications plan
Let humanities students in your institution know about the skills they take with them to working life and the ASSET-H employability resources available to them with the help of our open access communications materials.
The idea of an open access communications plan is to make our resources available to humanities students and graduates all over Europe. We just need your help to spread the word. You can do this by publishing our materials on your channels and social media platforms - be it your own private account or that of your institution. You can find downloadable communications materials as part of the plan below.
The communications plan outlines the communications strategies employed by the ASSET-H project. The objective of the communication efforts are twofold. Firstly, to raise awareness of the skills that humanities graduates bring to the workforce. Secondly, to make the employability resources produced as part of this project known to humanities students, graduates and faculty staff. The communications plan consists of three campaigns with each one raising awareness of a particular project output.
Communications campaigns
1. Communications campaign to promote the skills profile
The communications campaign raises awareness of the skills that humanities graduates bring to the workplace among humanities students, graduates and teaching staff.
Tools & Strategies
A series of informative posts on the skills profile is published on social media. The posts outline the skills profile and encourage viewers to read the full skills profile on the ASSET-H website.
An informative email is sent to students and alumni.
Posters are put up on billboards and info screens on campus.
An article on the significance of the skills profile and the research behind it is published on the project blog and University of Helsinki website.
Key messages:
The research-based skills profile provides a detailed description of skills specific to humanities graduates that are valuable in working life.
The skills profile gives humanities students and graduates the vocabulary to describe their skills relevant to working life and a starting point to reflect on their budding professional identity.
Social media campaign material
Click to download the social media materials and publish on your own platforms.
Humanities student: Learn to recognize your skills!
Unlock your humanities superpowers: Discover the 6 unique skills that set you aside in the job market as a humanities student
Study finds six skills clusters that set humanities alumni apart
Target audience: Humanities alumni
Suggested channel: Alumni newsletter
Infographic with six skills clusters
A3 Poster with six skills clusters
Wide screen poster with six skills clusters for info screen
Blog posts
2. Communications campaign to promote the toolkit H-You: Humanities Skills Explorer
The objective of the communications campaign is to get students to access the tools on the H-You: Skills explorer -website on their phone and take the self-assessment skills test.
Tools & Strategies
A Skills Booth is set up consisting of printed materials: a roll up poster, flyers and instruction sheets. Perhaps more importantly the skills booth needs a dedicated person to encourage passers by to take a look at the materials, answer questions and help with accessing the H-You website.
Possible Skills Booth locations:
On a university campus in a high traffic area where humanities students tend to pass by
Student job fair
Alumni event
Career event
Prospective students event
Event for human resources professionals
Key messages:
Activities on the H-You website encourage humanities students and alumni to examine their own skills and put them in context of their career journey through self-reflection and writing activities.
Light up your skills! Discover your skills profile with H-You: Humanities Skills Explorer and start a new chapter on your career journey.
To take steps towards shaping your professional career, it is important to have an idea of what skills you have so that you can explain what sets you apart. The Humanities Profile Explorer activity will help you understand and articulate your core strengths.
As part of the event, we are setting up the ASSET-H Skills Booth hosted by humanities students. Visit the Skills Booth to find out your personal skills profile by completing a research-based skills test created by the ASSET-H project.
Skills Booth set up
Print materials
Skills Booth roll up poster
Skills Booth flyer
Skills Booth instruction sheet
Campaign poster
Campaign sticker
Social media campaign material
Click to download the social media materials and publish on your own platforms.
Video on the making of the Humanities Explorer toolkit
3. Communications campaign to promote the H-Highlight workshop
The communications campaign raises awareness of the H-Highlight workshop among faculty teaching staff.
Key messages:
In the H-Highlight workshop teachers identify skills that students acquire in their courses and learn how to integrate information on skills into their course design.
Research indicates that the perceptions students hold about their own skills and their ability to tell others about their competences greatly determine the quality of their transition to working life. As a teacher you can help your students gain a better understanding of the skills they acquire during your courses and give students the vocabulary to describe these skills. Including information on skills in your course will give students a head-start to working life where they are often asked to describe their skills in job interviews and cover letters.
The H-Highlight teacher training works from the premises that you already teach many skills to students through your disciplinary focus.
Blog posts
Knowledge clip for teachers
Text and visual
Give your students a head start into working life by including information on skills in your courses
Infographic on H-Highlight workshop
Target audience: Teaching staff
Suggested channel: Email and Intranet